Introducing the VFG, the most advanced touchscreen force gauge, powered by Vector OS.
A handheld instrument built for tough environments to deliver accuracy and reliability. Designed for tensile and compressive testing in the field or as part of a testing system for use in Production, QC and R&D labs.

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Mecmesin/PPT Group, UK

Emperor™ Software

Vector OS
Our touchscreen instruments are powered by Vector OS, Mecmesin's technology platform for its latest force and torque test equipment. It delivers intuitive and customisable user interfaces, as well as advanced data acquisition and analysis.
To enhance your testing power you can connect all Vector instruments to a computer and use Mecmesin's VectorPro Lite software for data plotting and reporting.
Advanced data acquisition and plotting

Live tension and compression values are captured and automatically sent to VectorPro Lite to plot the graph of force vs time/displacement.
This helps to visually identify and report on any events during a test that cannot be picked up through the instrument display.
To help determine whether your sample has met the necessary criteria, there is a suite of standard calculations with indicators of pass or fail to immediately alert the operator.
A statistical analysis of results per batch of samples is produced and then incorporated, together with the graphs, into a customisable PDF or CSV test report for your customer.
Collect data from instruments
Expand your force or torque gauge to plot the curve of tension, compression or torque on a graph.
Collect the data and use built-in calculations to see if results meet your pass/fail criteria.
Export the results and data to Excel or use them to generate test reports in PDF format.
User licences
Your licence key grants full and unlimited use - there's no hidden extras or limitations - you get the full package.
Key features
- Intuitive workspace and 'drag and drop' interface
- Personalised settings to see data as it suits you
- Touchscreen enabled
- Live plotting of data with auto-scaling of axis
- Overlay multiple samples on the same graph
- Colour coding of samples for instant identification
- Calculate results and clear Pass/Fail indicators
- Customisable report templates
- Email reports and export data to Excel
Force and Torque sensors
The VFTI, AFTI, VFG and AFG are versatile force and torque indicators designed for use with the Mecmesin range of 'Smart' tension and compression loadcells and 'Smart' static and rotary torque sensors.
Readings are displayed as live values with peak-hold function in both tension and compression, or for torque in both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.
Data can be streamed as continuous or single readings for recording on PCs, printers and dataloggers.

Smart sensors for use with the VFTI and AFTI displays, as well as our VFG and AFG gauges.
A range of interchangeable force and torque sensors for measuring tension and compression and static or rotary torque with the VFTI/AFTI display or VFG/AFG.
Each 'Smart' sensor is delivered with its own connecting cable, which has a proprietary plug containing the calibration data for instant recognition by the VFTI/AFTI.
All 'Smart' sensors read from zero and are delivered at no extra cost with a full calibration certificate traceable to national standards.
Force Sensors
Force Sensors
Tension & Compression - S-beam
A range of 'Smart' S-beam shaped loadcells for measuring tension and compression. Various models to measure from 0 - 100 N right through to 0 - 100 kN.
Tension & Compression - S-beam (Junior)
A range of 'Smart' loadcells in a miniature S-beam shape. Suitable for measuring tension and compression for applications where available space is limited. Various models to measure from 0 - 1 N right through to 0 - 500 N.
Compression only - Load Button
A range of 'Smart' sensors for compression measurement only. Available in miniature and sub-miniature sizes for use where space is very limited. Compressive load is applied to the top of the sensor’s central dome. Various models to measure from 0 - 100 N right through to 0 - 50 kN.
Torque sensors
Rotary Torque Transducer - TTR (low-torque)
Range of 'Smart' mini sensors for measuring rotary torque from
Rotary Torque Transducer - FAST (mid- & high-torque)
A range of 'Smart' sensors for measuring rotary torque from
Static Torque Transducer - TT-ST (low-torque)
A range of 'Smart' sensors for measuring static torque from
Suitable for bench-mounting or integration into a complete test rig. Equipped with 1/4" hex drive (or 3mm bore) for the fitting of adaptors.
Static Torque Transducer - ST (mid- & high-torque)
A range of 'Smart' sensors for measuring static torque from
Suitable for bench-mounting or integration into a complete test rig. Equipped with a square-drive of 3/8" to 1" for the fitting of adaptors.
Static Torque Screwdriver - TTH (low-torque)
A range of fine-precision, low-capacity torque screwdrivers for handheld applications. Suitable for the measurement of very fine static torque from
Note: If your application requires multiple rotations of the sensor in one direction, we recommend using a rotary torque transducer.
Static Torque Screwdriver - TS (mid-torque)
A range of mid-capacity torque screwdrivers for handheld applications. Suitable for the measurement of static torque from
Note: If your application requires multiple rotations of the sensor in one direction, we recommend using a rotary torque transducer.


Full colour display that supports touch and gestures, with live graphing and customisable interface
Vector OS
Future software updates, inc. configuration deployment, new features and custom applications
Smart Sensors
Supports our range of external 'Smart Sensors' for a huge variety of applications
2.5 N - 2.5 kN
Capture readings from as low as 0.0005 N to 2,500 N
±0.1 % of full scale
eg VFG 500 has a full-scale capacity of 500 N, so is accurate to ±0.5N at any point between 0 - 500 N
Expandable memory (Micro SD card - supports up to 32GB)
Choosing your accessories
It's important that your sample is gripped and held correctly to achieve accurate test results.
Our accessory catalogue contains a wide range of accessories and you should find exactly what you need. Key specifications (such as load rating) are listed on all of our grips and fixtures.
Example test accessoriesKey specs
Key specs
Tension and Compression
VFG Touchscreen
Measurement range
All force gauges measure from zero to the value indicated in the table below.
Model | VFG 2.5 |
VFG 5 |
VFG 10 |
VFG 25 |
VFG 50 |
VFG 100 |
VFG 250 |
VFG 500 |
VFG 1000 |
VFG 2500 |
N | 2.5 | 5 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 | 1000 | 2500 |
lbf | 0.55 | 1.1 | 2.2 | 5.5 | 11 | 22 | 55 | 110 | 220 | 550 |
kgf | 0.25 | 0.5 | 1 | 2.5 | 5 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 | 250 |
eg. VFG 500 when measuring in newtons has a resolution of 0.01 N
±0.1 % of full scale*
eg. VFG 500 has a full-scale capacity of 500 so is accurate to ± 0.5 N at any point between 0 - 500 N
Units of measurement
mN, N, kN, gf, kgf, ozf, lbf
Sampling Rate
5,000,000 Hz
Overload Rating
150% of full scale
On-board/built-in memory
8 MB (approx. 500 stored readings)
Expandable memory
Up to 32 GB (via SDHC card)
72 mm
205 mm
42 mm
*As the device is used in varying environmental conditions, the uncertainty of measurement could be as much as 0.1% of full scale.