
Torque grips are designed to hold a sample vertically and precisely about its rotational axis. The choice of grip depends on the symmetry and shape of the sample.

Since there are far fewer international testing standards relating to torque which define specimen forms and dimensions, it is often the case that a suitable ‘standard’ grip cannot be found. In this situation a custom grip will be needed - these can be designed and made by Mecmesin engineers to suit your exact requirements.

Mecmesin의 힘 및 토크 테스트 액세서리, 그립 및 고정 장치, PC, 태블릿 및 모바일의 전체 카탈로그 온라인에 대해 전문가에게 문의하십시오.

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이 액세서리에 대해 궁금한 점이 있습니까? 연락하여 기술 영업 엔지니어에게 문의하십시오.

Torque accessories