
Featured or equivalent test standards for Mecmesin solutions in this section

Tension and compression testing for education in solid mechanics

Case study
The Bioengineering Department at Imperial required a new system for teaching purposes to demonstrate tensile and compressive testing on a range of different materials and custom fixtures. A system was needed that was flexible and easy to use but with a compact form that would fit our available space. The MultiTest 5-xt was an ideal solution and the hardware support from Mecmesin has been excellent.

Dr Dominic Southgate, Senior Teaching Fellow
Imperial College London

MultiTest in the stress lab Imperial college London
이 시스템은 사용하기 쉽고 좋은 그래픽 데이터를 생성합니다.

Roy McIntyre, 기술 관리자
Alphatek Hyperformance 코팅

Case study
MultiTest Alphatek 고성능 플라즈마 코팅 맞대기 접합 테스트 장비
Mecmesin은 데모를 포함하여 새로운 테스트 장비를 구입할 때 매우 도움이되었습니다. 우리의 장비는 Mecmesin에 의해 매년 보정되며 저는 그들의 애프터 서비스가 탁월하다고 생각합니다.

대런 펠,
Par-pak Europe Ltd

Case study
톱니 모양의 2 방향 평면 그립이 트레이와 뚜껑 요소를 단단히 잡습니다.

Tension and compression testing for education in solid mechanics

The Bioengineering Department at Imperial required a new system for teaching purposes to demonstrate tensile and compressive testing on a range of different materials and custom fixtures. A system was needed that was flexible and easy to use but with a compact form that would fit our available space. The MultiTest 5-xt was an ideal solution and the hardware support from Mecmesin has been excellent.

Dr Dominic Southgate, Senior Teaching Fellow
Imperial College London

Case study
MultiTest in the stress lab Imperial college London

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