Tensile test on rubber gaskets

Case study
We use the Mecmesin MultiTest 10-i system to perform regular quality control tests to guarantee the quality of our supplied materials. Mecmesin provided us with a cost-effective solution to our needs and exceptional customer service. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to other companies with materials testing requirements.

Michael Hubbard, Business Quality Manager
British Gaskets Group

Elongation under tension testing of rubber sealing component material dogbone specimen

Tensile test on rubber gaskets

We use the Mecmesin MultiTest 10-i system to perform regular quality control tests to guarantee the quality of our supplied materials. Mecmesin provided us with a cost-effective solution to our needs and exceptional customer service. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to other companies with materials testing requirements.

Michael Hubbard, Business Quality Manager
British Gaskets Group

Case study
Elongation under tension testing of rubber sealing component material dogbone specimen
우리는 Mecmesin 제품의 다양성과 멕시코에서받는 우수한 현지 지원 때문에 구매합니다. 이 특정 시스템은 (주입 백 인장 강도) 응용 분야에서 매우 잘 작동합니다.

에르네스토 로메로,
프레 세니 우스 카비

Case study
전동 테스트 스탠드와 정확한 디지털 게이지는 빠르고 간단한 제품 테스트 솔루션입니다.
The MultiTest 0.5-i is a very good and reliable machine and the Emperor™ Software brings great advantages. It’s a very useful tool for these kinds of tests. It’s fully programmable and offers an in-depth analysis of results. It’s a precious tool for everybody involved, especially those who work with plastics and their mechanical performance.

Nikos Michopoulos, Quality Control
Eurofilm Mantzaris S.A.

Case study
Polythene packaging material specimen under test and specific film grips

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