Cricket ball compressive deformation strength and cover material tensile strength

- Software-controlled compression and tensile test stand
- Compression fixtures for ball core test
- Tension fixtures for ball covering ultimate tensile strength test
- Multiple tests on the ball specimen from the same machine
- Software control adds flexibilitiy for new test routines
We found the Mecmesin MultiTest 2.5-i very easy-to-use. The unit has been of great help to us in setting specifications and standards. As our suppliers are now fully aware of our capabilities we always receive the best natural products.
Pete Thompson, Director
Kookaburra Sport
Kookaburra is an internationally recognised leader in the production of sporting equipment for cricket and hockey. Established in 1890, the company has built its name on innovation and meticulous attention to quality. Critical to their ability to continuously lead the way in technological innovation is the power to easily and reliably quantify the quality both of their finished products, and of the natural materials from which they craft their world class equipment.
To this end Kookaburra rely upon Mecmesin force testing equipment for a variety of applications in the production of cricket balls.
For many years they used a Mecmesin MDD Manual Test Stand with an AFG Force Gauge, but found their requirements outgrew the testing scope of this system, as their production process became ever more complex to keep abreast of both technological advancements and the ever increasing quality of play.
Local Mecmesin agent, SI Instruments, supplied Kookaburra with a MultiTest 2.5-i computer-controlled test frame. The system was initially used to assess the compressive strength of the finished ball. Ensuring the balls respond consistently to an applied load in the lab guarantees consistent performance on the pitch.
However, the true scope of this versatile test system quickly became apparant to Kookaburra and it was put to use on a variety of critical quality testing applications on raw materials.
These include tensile tests of leather, cork, wool and thread samples, as well as separate compression testing of the ball's cork core to ensure conformance to Kookaburra's exacting in-house test standards.
Test equipment
- Software-contolled test stand
- Software test routines which can be run on the same universal tester
- Assorted fixtures for compression and tensile tests
- Tools to cut leather materials samples to specific siz and shape