
Featured or equivalent test standards for Mecmesin solutions in this section

Test types

Further or specific test types in this section

Ergonomic strength and Manual handling

We exert force and torque with our muscles in almost all our everyday activities.

Insertion and withdrawal

Insertion and withdrawal testing involves applying and measuring the compressive force to an object to push it into a recepti

Loop tack

The ‘loop’ tack value of a pressure sensitive material is expressed as the force required to separate, at a specified speed,


质量经理Terri Lebow
Vintech Industries Inc.

Case study
The Mecmesin 2.5-i has been of great use to IFPL in the testing of socket-type components and materials

Ben Salmon, Test Technician

Case study
MultiTest performs cyclic insertion and withdrawal of the connector until a drop in force is automatically detected.

