è Chạy demo online và tại chỗ bạn

Chạy demo online và tại chỗ bạn


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Bạn cũng có thể gửi các mẫu đến chúng tôi để kiểm tra thử.

Cùng nhau thảo luận các yêu cầu và sắp xếp buổi demo hay đào tạo.

Part Number
MecS223g - 156mm diameter:

Self-levelling allows exact parallelism to be set between the upper and lower plates - ideal for those applications where it is critical to accurately measure the deformation of a sample.

The MecS223 range of hardened steel, self-levelling plates features a spherical seating mechanism which allows the plate to ‘float’ and adjust to the specimen geometry during the compression test. Alternatively there are 4 nuts which can lock the self-levelling plate in position when it has been set completely parallel to the opposite ‘fixed’ plate (type Mec23).

MecS223g self-levelling plates are fitted
with QC-32mm bore hole adapters suitable for compressive load applications up to 50kN (eg. metals, concrete, etc.)
56 mm self-levelling compression plate, steel, 1 plate, QC fitting
Mec223 with arrows self-levelling
Mec223 self-levelling with upper plate fixed
Self-levelling Compression Plates, QC fitting DS-1008-02 Self-levelling Compression Plates, QC fitting DS-1008-02

Related Parts

Load Rating
50 kN
( 11,000 lbf )


Quick Change
32 mm
7.1 kg
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