Mecmesin and Precitool S.A. de C.V Celebrating 30 years of partnership
When it comes to partnerships, 30 years is an impressive stint in anyone’s books. That is why, when 2021 marked their 30th anniversary as a Mecmesin distributor, we asked Carlos Vázquez V. from Precitool S.A. de C.V to tell us his story.
I started this company in 1980 with our family savings. I was only 29 years old and had some experience in the measuring instruments market. We started as a domestic distributor of Mitutoyo Instruments.
Then in 1989, I visited the Quality Show in Chicago O’Hare. I was looking to expand the portfolio of products I already offered in Mexico and at the show I met David Dillon - General Manager of Mecmesin, Inc. I believe that was only the 2nd time Mecmesin participated, so I was fortunate to make that connection.
I just fell in love with the Mecmesin range and immediately offered to introduce the products to the Mexican market, but I wanted to be their sole distributor. David promised to consider my proposal.
The next year I attended the show again and David and I continued our discussions. Not too long after the show I received a call from him, accepting my sole distribution proposal, on the proviso that I buy a demonstration unit. After having bought the unit, we started to promote it – driving thousands of miles across the country, with the unit in the boot of our car.
In 1995 we asked Mecmesin permission to sell across Central America. We would then appoint distributors in countries that had no Mecmesin presence. That saw us selling Mecmesin in Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia.
In 2013 we organized a sales meeting for Mecmesin in a nice colonial hacienda hotel. It turned out to be a very successful event, encouraging our partners to truly develop the market in South America.
Over the years we’ve received a great deal of support and training from Mecmesin. The first was in Santa Rosa, California where Mecmesin had an office at the time. Then we went to the UK in 1993 and 2007 for further training.
When it comes to service and technical support, we cannot ask for anything more – we are always in contact with Mecmesin. We also hold their calibration equipment so that we can provide a fast and efficient service across Central America.
Though we remain a small company (only 10) we continually increase our technical staff and inventory to provide the best possible service to our customers and remain the flagship Mecmesin distributor in Latin America.

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