
Special compression fixtures have been specially designed to meet the challenges of a particular application.

The requirements for the fixture can be defined in an international test standard (eg ISO and / or ASTM standards for compressive shear tests). Or they may come from industry demands to provide a suitable device for holding certain components (eg long flexible springs).

Mecmesin offers a range of dedicated compressive fixtures that meet general requirements. For non-standard applications, a team of design engineers is available to work with you to find a solution that meets your technical and budgetary requirements.

Mecmesin의 힘 및 토크 테스트 액세서리, 그립 및 고정 장치, PC, 태블릿 및 모바일의 전체 카탈로그 온라인에 대해 전문가에게 문의하십시오.

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Special compression fixtures accessories