Online demonstrations and training available from Mecmesin technical sales engineers

Online test equipment and training demos


As more people are working from home to reduce travel, our technical sales engineers can provide online equipment demos or training sessions via web-based video calls.

If possible, send in your own samples and our sales team will be able to present your own products being tested.

Get in touch to discuss your requirements and to arrange an online demo or training session.

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Mecmesin/PPT Group, UK

Stabilised spring testing

Spring tester with guide-rod for small compression springs
Spring tester with guide-rod for small compression springs
Guide-rod for load testing small compression springs
Guide-rod for load testing small compression springs

Customised engineering example

Our client needed to test a number of small, lightweight springs under compression. To avoid buckling and sideways movement of the springs, a supporting spindle or guide-rod was required.

Mecmesin designed and supplied compression probes with guide-rods to the exact dimensions of the springs being tested. When used with our software-controlled MultiTest stands they enable rapid insertion of springs and highly repeatable testing.