
Puncture tests are performed to determine the resistance of a material to a sharp or blunt object passing right through it. As such, they normally require the measurement of a peak load. Typical applications include plastic films, protective clothing, geotextiles etc..

Penetration tests are usually performed to determine the resistance of a sharp or blunt object being inserted into a material without it necessarily passing all the way through. As such, they normally require the measurement of an extension of the material at a predefined load, or alternatively the load at a predefined extension. Typical applications include gels, foodstuffs, fabric stiffness etc..

Both test methods can be performed by using Mecmesin's collection of puncture/penetration fixtures.

Mecmesin의 힘 및 토크 테스트 액세서리, 그립 및 고정 장치, PC, 태블릿 및 모바일의 전체 카탈로그 온라인에 대해 전문가에게 문의하십시오.

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Puncture/penetration jigs accessories